Saturday, March 13, 2010


Yep...I'm drowning! I'm barely keeping my head above water at work. This is why I haven't been around the last few weeks. I feel like I'm made of thin rubber, being stretched even thinner, and I just may break soon! Okay, okay...things aren't that bad, but it has been crazy.

I finally met the guy from Match a couple weeks ago. We went bowling. I figured that would be fun no matter if we found one another attractive. Yes, the bowling was fun. And no, he wasn't attractive. He may have been a few years ago when his profile pictures were taken. I was tricked, my friends! He claimed to be 41, but he looked closer to 51! And obviously, his pictures were not current! What is with that?? If you are going to join a dating site, why lie about who you really are? Eventually, the people with whom you communicate will find out!

Otherwise, I'm still dateless and sexless in 2010. I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed...


Dater at Large said...

Well certainly not ashamed! Sounds like you wouldn't have the time to put into a new relationship right now, even if it dropped into your lap. Maybe the Universe is giving you a dating break so you don't drown completely?

jo said...

so maybe you weren't allergic to dating afterall but it was just your body's way of telling you not to go on that date haha! anyhow hope you're feeling better. well i guess with dating, there's usually more misses than hits. hang in there.

Roxy said...

happens all the freakin time with online dating. Just enjoy the dates and hope he pays. Eventually someone tells the truth.

Anonymous said...

You should be proud and not ashamed! You are one busy woman and maybe you should just focus on your career right now and see what happens. It has been my experience, that when I'm not looking for a man, one always seems to appear...

The Angel and Demon Within said...

I had stopped checking to see if you had posted. Glad to see you back.

You have always been the one who either has no one or ten at once. You know how it will go. When you do find someone worth dating there will then be five more crawling out of the woodwork.

Enjoy this break from men. Keep focused on treading the water until schools out.

Therapeutic Ramblings said...

Ebb and Flow.

I too have been swamped at work and had it effect my's made me value with whom I spend time with, which has upped the quality.